Water and sanitary networks

Sector policy

  • Sector policy

    Develop investments for the production of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes and their accessories, equipment for measuring the water flow and pumping equipment, as well as the provision of well drilling services and the construction of underground works. The projects must pay tribute to the diversification and expansion of export markets, the substitution of imports and the increase of renewable sources in the energy matrix of water management in Cuba and its associated services.

  • Sector information

    The National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH) is in charge of the management of the integral water cycle in Cuba, for which it is structurally organized into four business groups and two independent companies. Its business system manages throughout the national territory the activities of monitoring the hydrological cycle, control and balance of surface and groundwater, supply of drinking water, control of the quality of terrestrial water, sanitation and wastewater treatment. , as well as conducting research applied to hydraulic engineering and the projection of hydraulic works, their rehabilitation and maintenance. To ensure its management, it also has workshops for the repair of pumping equipment and welding machines, factories for pipes, accessories and electrical panels, which contribute to sustainability.


Business Oportunity

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Directorate of International Relations
Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos

Business and Development Group
Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos

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