Transport and Logistics

Sector policy

  • Sector policy

    Sector policy: Develop the port infrastructure, the construction and repair of ships in shipyards, the purchase and / or administration of ships, the activity of technical assurance and exploitation of automotive transport, the manufacture and repair of parts and aggregates, the management of workshops and other activities of the railway system, as well as, with regard to commercial and agricultural aviation. Manage businesses that promote exports, mainly in maritime activity and aviation.

  • Sector information

    Cuba has an extensive transportation infrastructure that includes the automotive, rail, maritime-port and air branches. The insertion of foreign investment in the sector is important to accelerate the achievement of these objectives and thus achieve the necessary competitiveness of transport, both cargo and passengers, demanded by the different productive and service spheres of the national economy. , all of the above supported by existing strengths.


Business Oportunity


Repair and maintenance of vessels at Astimar Shipyard in Mariel Bay.

Sector: Transport and Logistics.

18.0 million USD.


Expansion and remodeling of the Almendares and Marina Hemingway Naval Workshops.

Sector: Transport and Logistics.

20.0 million USD.


Provision of repair services for small vessels.

Sector: Transport and Logistics.

2.7 million USD.


Provision of repair services for small vessels.

Sector: Transport and Logistics.

2.7 million USD.


Provision of repair services for small vessels.

Sector: Transport and Logistics.

2.7 million USD.


Regional Logistics Center

Sector: Transport and Logistics.

11.0 million USD.


Ministerio de Transporte

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