Sector Policy

Sector Policy
To promote the development of software and informatics applications aiming to contribute to the increase of exports and to boost innovation and efficient development of the country. The following can be created: science and technological parks, support modalities and online technical assistance (contact centers), international certification centers for services, technologies and human capital, software research and development (R&D) centers), and executing capacities for telecommunications infrastructure works (external plant: fiber optic works, tower assembly and others). In Postal services, foreign investment will be aimed at raising the quality and commercialization of national and international services, through the development and updating of technologies for the processing, distribution and delivery of postal parcels, express parcels and Graphics Postcard. Foreign participation in telecommunications operation and marketing services is excluded. The type of company with totally foreign capital is not foreseen within this sector, except in businesses aimed at the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that are located in science and technology parks.
Sector information
The Telecommunications sector (ICT) is a fundamental line in the Cuban economy, characterized by a high added value and a high scientific-technical and professional potential of its human resources linked to telecommunications services, the production of software, applications, marketing and related services, based on the use of ICT, in the development of society, security and technological sovereignty of the country. In Cuba, the rapid transformation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has an impact on all fields of economic and social life in the country. These transformations translate into the process of computerization of society.
Projects by provinces
Business Oportunity

Informatics and Audiovisual Media in Education
Sector: Telecommunications and Information Technologies.
200,000 USD.

Platform for the management of computerized medical records
Sector: Telecommunications and Information Technologies.
120,000 USD.

Smart platform for managing sustainable development projects
Sector: Telecommunications and Information Technologies.
150,000 USD.

Cloud service delivery platform for digital medical image storage, transmission, display, processing and reporting
Sector: Telecommunications and Information Technologies.
150,000 USD.

Development and implementation of integrated automation technologies for the pharmaceutical industry
Sector: Telecommunications and Information Technologies.
200,000 USD.

Medical imaging for 3D printing fabrication of prostheses and surgical models
Sector: Telecommunications and Information Technologies.
265,000 USD.