
Sector policy

  • Sector policy

    Create, expand and modernize productive capacities. Promote projects for the exploration and production of minerals.

  • Sector information

    The Cuban archipelago has a wide diversity of metallic raw materials, as well as industrial rocks and minerals. This is due to the fact that it is made up of a mosaic of geological structures, which include sequences of continental margin, insular volcanic arches and oceanic crust, assembled into a single whole as a result of the geological processes of subduction and collision. On this mosaic rests a succession of young sedimentary rocks formed, during the last 40 million years, in a platform tectonic regime. Among the main mineral resources of metallic ores are those of iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), gold (Au), silver (Ag) , manganese (Mn), tungsten (W) and chromium (Cr). In the case of so-called industrial rocks and minerals (RMI), or non-metallic minerals, the country has identified resources of clays, asbestos, sands, quartz sands, barite, basalts, bentonite, limestones, quartzites, quartz, kaolin, kyanite, calcarenites, feldspars, phosphorite, garnets, gabbros, graphite, marbles, magnesite, mica, olivine, semi-precious stones, rock salt, streamers, talc, tuffs, gypsum and zeolites. The Business Opportunities for the geology and mining sector in Cuba aim to capture the interest of foreign investors to develop projects in the Geological Reconnaissance and Research (Prospecting - Exploration), Exploitation and Marketing phases of precious metals (gold and silver), base metals (copper, lead, zinc) and other minerals of interest. At present, 45% of the national territory is arranged in geological maps at a 1 / 50,000 scale and one hundred percent of the Cuban Area has an aerogeophysical survey. A large part of these minerals can be mined in the open pit, with a relatively lower cost than its extraction by underground mining.


Business Oportunity


Prospecting and Geological Exploration for wolfram (W) at the "Lela" Deposit.

Sector: Mining.

6.8 million USD.


Production of rock salt and its derivatives by the exploitation of the Punta Alegre Salt Dome

Sector: Mining.

2.0 million USD.


Colas Rojas Mining Project in Moa

Sector: Mining.

2.5 million USD.


Production of different materials, articles and merchandise from the exploitation and processing of Cuban zeolites

Sector: Mining.

3.0 million USD.


Production of muscovite mica, other accompanying minerals and their derivative products, from the exploitation of the "El Alemán" deposit and other sectors

Sector: Mining.

3.0 million USD.


Exploitation, processing and commercialization of silica sand and other derived products

Sector: Mining.

3.0 million USD.

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