
Sector policy

  • Sector policy

    Promote projects to transform, modernize and create new industrial capacities prioritizing the products with the greatest impact in strategic sectors, combining innovative development, import substitution and export orientation, based on increasing competitiveness and enhancing computerization and industrial automation.

  • Sector information

    The Ministry of Industries promotes projects that allow the modernization and expansion of productive capacities to face the levels of internal demand, which substitute imports, based on linkages with strategic sectors and main programs; at the same time that they generate exportable items. The execution of these projects allows the materialization of productive activity for the development of the economy, while supporting industrial development, in the use of advanced technology transfers and productive know-how, as well as renewable sources of energy. In this sense, the sector projects increases in the production of containers and packaging, manufacture of electronic equipment and household appliances, chemical productions and their derivatives, medical equipment, textiles, footwear, as well as those related to the iron and steel industry and recycling. Priority areas are the production of tinplate, paper, flexible, cardboard, tobacco containers, the expansion of capacities for the design and production of metal structures, tires and rubber articles, electrical conductors, consumer goods for the population, as well such as those that foresee an increase in industrial recycling and the use of renewable energy sources, with the premise that the projects are validated by market studies and calculation of economic viability.



Business Oportunity


Development of a workshop for the diversification and finishing of aluminum productions of the Metalconf Company

Sector: Industry.

4.8 million USD.


Modernizing and expanding the production of pencils for writing and drawing

Sector: Industry.

86,100 USD.


Textile production

Sector: Industry.

100,000 USD.


Mini Industry of personal hygiene products

Sector: Industry.

300,000 USD.


Mini Industry of beauty and personal hygiene products

Sector: Industry.

350,000 USD.


Disposable tableware production

Sector: Industry.

397,000 USD.

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