Efficient commerce

Sector policy

  • Sector policy

    Develop foreign investment businesses in wholesale and retail trade, with the aim of attracting financial resources, expanding access to supply markets and obtaining advanced management methods, technology and marketing techniques, in order to achieve a stable supply of merchandise and improve the efficiency of trade in Cuba.

    Promote that these businesses be used primarily for:

    1. The sale of raw materials, supplies, equipment and other goods that contribute to promoting the development of national production.

    2. The supply of food, cleaning, economic products that have an immediate impact on shortage problems and contribute to improving supply in the national market.

    3. The installation of electricity generation systems with renewable energy sources.

    4. Encourage these entities to link up with national producers who have the conditions to become suppliers, including the use of pre-financing mechanisms for the latter.

  • Sector information

    Wholesale trade in Cuba is the activity of sales of nationally produced or imported merchandise destined for producing entities, retail or wholesale traders, industrial and institutional consumers, and non-state forms of management, with priority to cooperatives. As part of the assurance of the activity, there is a wide network of warehouses (including refrigerators) that are distributed throughout the country and constitute part of the resources that intervene in the existing supply chains in internal trade. For the management of business in the sector, the Mercantile Society ALBUS SA is in charge of the realization of projects that are aimed at ensuring, as a priority, the wholesale distribution of widely used products and of the families of domestic and imported products most in demand in the country, in addition to developing supply markets that sell at wholesale prices and provide services to the state sector and non-state forms of management.


Business Oportunity


Electronic Commerce Web Platform

Sector: Efficient commerce.

100,000 USD.


Investment in the development of the Cuban electronic commerce industry

Sector: Efficient commerce.

5.0 million USD.

Wholesale and retail marketing of refrigerated products

Sector: Efficient commerce.

0 USD.


Vice Ministry
Comercio Interior

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