Business Oportunity

Production of pasta. “Damují lasagna”



Produce varieties of products derived from flour with good quality and a high demand in the foreign market, mainly the Caribbean region and the National Market with the obtaining of financial resources for the import of the required raw materials, which will accompany the endogenous resources that will integrate the productions, also reactivating the technological equipment so essential for their development.


Food production


Manufacture of other food products n.c.p.

Investment amount:

$ 688,000 USD.


Provincial Government of the People's Power of Cienfuegos

National investor:

Empresa Provincial Alimenticia de Cienfuegos

Investment modality:

  • International Economic Association Contract


  • The location of the equipment will take place in facilities belonging to empresa EPIA, located in the municipality of Rodas, Highway to Cienfuegos Km 1, CPA Nicaragua Libre. Cienfuegos, Municipality Rodas, State Cienfuegos


Parque Científico Tecnológico de La Habana 3CE

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