Cultivation of river shrimp, prawns and freshwater fish.

Shrimp and lobster are the main fishery products in the international market, representing 22% of the total value of products traded according to the FAO. The intensive farming of crustaceans and fish is a very lucrative business opportunity that generates attractive returns for large, medium and small companies. The market demands these species, highly valued and desired by haute cuisine in hotels and restaurants, basically, due to the intrinsic attributes it has; taste, texture, size, zero fat content, healthy food.
Food production
Freshwater aquaculture
Investment amount:
$ 90,000 USD.
Provincial Government of the People's Power of Matanzas
National investor:
Empresa de la Pesca Matanzas
Investment modality:
- International Economic Association Contract
- Municipality Ciénaga de Zapata, State Matanzas