Legal framework

Principal provisions in the Foreign Investment legal regime:

  • Law No. 118/2014, “Law of Foreign  Investment”.

  • Decree No. 325/2018, “Regulation of the Foreign Investment Law”.

  • Decree No. 366/2019, amendment to Decree no. 325 “Regulation of the Foreign Investment Law”, of April 9, 2014.

  • Resolution No. 14/2018 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, “Regulation on the Labor Regime for Foreign Investment”.

  • Resolution No. 207/2018 of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment on the methodological bases for drawing up technical/economic studies.

  • Resolutions no. 46/2014 and No. 47/2014 of the Banco Central de Cuba, on contributions or foreign investor contributions and the handling of their bank accounts in Cuba.

  • Agreement No. 8732/2019 of the Council of Ministers, delegating to the heads of agencies of the central state administration the power to authorize international economic association contracts for administration and production services, as well as their modifications during their validity period.

  • Decree Laws on commercial guarantees (Decree Law No. 14/2020, “Of the pledge and the mortgage”, and Decree Law No. 15/2020 “Of the guarantee trust”).

  • Decree No. 15/2020 “Regulation of the Single Window for Foreign Investment”.