Cuba as a place to invest Advantages of Investing in Cuba
With the approval of Law No. 118 and its complementary norms, a favorable business environment has been created in Cuba. Tax incentives are not the only advantages inviting foreign investors to choose Cuba as a place to invest. Some of these other reasons are:
Formulation of sector policies for identifying investment opportunities with foreign capital that permits access to the Cuban market and its consumers.
Secure and transparent legal framework.
Political, social and legal stability.
Geographical location in the center of an expanding market.
Climate of safety for foreign personnel.
High indicators for education, social security and health of the population.
Highly qualified workforce.
International agreements signed by Cuba with the Latin American Integration Association(ALADI), the Caribbean Community CARICOM), the Bolivarian Alliance for thePeoples of Our America (ALBA), the CommonMarket of the South (MERCOSUR), the European Union (EU), the World Trade Organization (WTO)